
More blind tasting – peanut butter

Because not all of us like Marmite we did a peanut butter tasting too. Here we were really concentrating on supermarket own brand products because there’s such a massive variety available that we could have tested literally hundreds of products. So, apart from one random entrant, the products tested are all supermarket own brands and […]

Diary General

Christmas fun – blind tasting

Something a bit different for a change. You may like it, or not 🙂 Some of us love Marmite (yes, really). Some of us hate it. I love it, and so does Casie. A few years ago, many supermarkets did their own version of this popular product. They were cheaper, and formed acceptable substitutes for […]


Sunday 4th November to Saturday 8th December 2018

Oops, another month gone by! What have we been doing in that time? Well the backache that started after the weekend in Shropshire in October is still there. It keeps me awake some nights but Ibuprofen sorts it out. I spoke to Dr. Davies about it and this culminated in another MRI scan this morning. […]

ASCT Diary General

ASCT week 4 – 5th to 10th March 2015

Week 4 continued the improvement process. Gradually the nausea came under control, the Nosinan injections being replaced with tablets, and the vomiting less frequent. My Neutrophils increased steadily, then rapidly, under the influence of the GCSF injections started the week before. By the weekend my isolation status was removed and I was allowed home on […]

ASCT Diary General

ASCT week 3 – 26th February to 4th March 2015

Week 3 was a much better week than week 2. The soreness in my mouth from the end of week 2 began to clear up, and I began to feel better overall. The nausea came under control, and my bone marrow started to recover. The key measurement during this process is the number of white cells, […]