
Wednesday 8th December 2023 to Tuesday 30th January 2024

Well! Sorry, that’s been quite a gap. Hopefully everyone enjoyed a peaceful Christmas break with their families. We certainly did. Chris was home and we did all the usual stuff – cooking, eating, games and so on (except the HP binge watch – I refused, this year).

My last clinic was on Wednesday 17th January, and once again the Doc and I spent more time discussing the vagaries of the pharmacy system than we did my condition, because he remains happy with it. Even the drugs were ready on time.

December seems a long time ago now, but a few highlights were:

  • A meet-up with some old colleagues, for a pleasant dinner and lots of chat. Good to see everybody is just the same!
  • Various types of driving and co-driving. Some with Mike, some in company with friends, and one day with the Fast Lady. I’m seeing her again in February, on a professional basis this time. That’ll be fun, if weird!
  • Lots more volunteering at the railway, including bricklaying, car park duties, and general tidying up on the days when building wasn’t possible (usually either heavy rain or frost).

Then in January I started tutoring a new associate (driving again), which has been rewarding, not least because of his rather nice Jaguar V8, and his very keen attitude. Won’t take long!


Sadly, on January 12th, after a long battle with dementia and associated weight loss, my Dad passed away. Although I hadn’t seen him in person for 6 years, he was still a massive presence in my life, and I’ll miss him. There’s nobody who will provide the same balance of humour and knowledge that he did. We shared many interests – computers, cars (and many other forms of transport), DIY, cricket etc. In later years I was able to repay some of the knowledge transfer by helping with remote support for his home computers, and by assisting with little jobs around the house when I visited. Rest in peace, Dad.

Thomas Geoffrey (Geof) Carrington 1936-2024

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